See Google's 9 Amazing Facts
Everyone knows, Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when he received Ph.D. Was received. Stanford University students were formally incorporated as a privately-held company on September 4, 1998. You know that when there is a simple layout of the company with such success, there is a lot more to meet with the eyes, and I mean the best that Google has always done in a different way, and that Work to keep things fresh, unique and continuous progressive.
Here are some Google facts you do not know!

Google has changed so much in comparison to just one search engine, brought out new ideas and tries new things on almost a daily basis. It's hard to imagine where they will do the next venture
Here are some Google facts you do not know!
1. Co-founder Larry Page and Sergey Brin originally named Google 'Backrub'

2. Since 2010, Google was acquiring an average company every week. Android, Youtube, Waze, you name it, Google has bought all of these

3. The name 'Google' is actually derived from the mathematical term 'googol', which is basically 1 after 100 with zero

4. Google uses a Web tool called Foobar, which they use to recruit new employees based on the online search

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5. The private planes of Larry and Sergey have runaways in NASA, where no other planes are allowed to land.

6. Google has common misspellings of its own name, like,, and

7. The first Google computer storage was built with Legos

8. Google employees of America get death benefit which guarantees that the surviving husband will receive 50% of his salary each year for the next decade

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9. Google wanted to sell itself to online company Excite in 1999 for $1 million, but excite CEO dismissed the offer. Google is now worth more than $527 billion.

Google has changed so much in comparison to just one search engine, brought out new ideas and tries new things on almost a daily basis. It's hard to imagine where they will do the next venture
See Google's 9 Amazing Facts
Reviewed by Seology Blog
July 13, 2017
Rating: 5